Blended Learning is one the buzz words that has been gaining popularity over the last decade or so. The LMS plays the perfect second fiddle where the trainers can setup a system includes:
Pre-participation Tests & Screenings
Share Videos, PDFs, Assignments and a lot more.
Collect customized feedback and ratings from the participants.
Maintain records, Audit Trails and Logs meticulously.
Integrated Gamification (Internal Link Present. Include a Learn More button to redirect to gamification landing page):
Now, to boost your employee participation, the Leaderboard is/ can integrated with the Gamification module. Points earned can also be redeemed through the redemption center and it give it a more encompassing look. Features Include:
Customized Gamification Dashboard for every Trainee.
Set up Redemption Center.
Enhanced Knowledge and Skills (KnS) repository.